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To make cardless or mobile withdrawals at BBVA ATMs from your Hubble Wallet in Laniakea, follow these steps:

Step 1: Access your account at Laniakea through the application.

Step 2: Navigate to the “ATM Withdrawals” section or a similar option in the app.

Step 3: Select the option to make a withdrawal at a BBVA ATM.

Step 4: Enter the exact amount you want to withdraw.

Step 5: Confirm the transaction and verify all the details, ensuring that the information provided is correct.

Step 6: You will receive a confirmation email at the address associated with your Laniakea account, which will include the transaction details and withdrawal confirmation.

Step 7: Once the transaction is confirmed, you can go to a BBVA ATM and use mobile provision or cardless withdrawal to access the funds withdrawn from your Hubble Wallet.

This method gives you the convenience of making cardless or mobile withdrawals at BBVA ATMs directly from your Hubble Wallet in Laniakea, which simplifies the management of your finances and allows you to access your funds safely and efficiently.



To sign up for Laniakea and unlock all the app's features using your Apple ID, follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Access to the Registration Page

Open the Laniakea app on your mobile device.

Step 2: Menu Navigation

On the main screen of the application, find and select the "little house" icon, located at the bottom or top of the screen.

Step 3: Access Account Settings

A drop-down menu will appear. Within this menu, select "Settings."

Step 4: Start of the Verification Process

In the "Settings" section, find and select "Account."

Step 5: Displacement of Information

Initially, relevant information about the verification process will be displayed. Scroll through information pages by swiping down.

Step 6: Start of Registration

At the bottom of the information pages, you will find a button or link that will allow you to start the registration process. Click this button.

Step 7: Registration Process

Please follow the instructions provided in the application to complete the registration process diligently. This will include the payment of a US$4.99 fee required for subscription.


To subscribe to Laniakea and access the functionality of making withdrawals at BBVA ATMs without a card from your Hubble Wallet, follow these detailed steps:

Step 1: Access your account at Laniakea through the application.

Step 2: Navigate to the "Withdrawals at BBVA ATMs" section or a similar option in the application.

Step 3: Select the option to subscribe to the cardless BBVA ATM withdrawal functionality.

Step 4: Complete the financial forms and Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) procedures diligently by following the instructions provided.

Step 5: After completing the steps above, you will receive a confirmation email at the email address provided during the process. Access your email and look for the confirmation message.

Step 6: Open the email and find the confirmation token sent by Laniakea. Enter it in the Laniakea app to confirm your email address.

Step 7: Once your email is confirmed, open the Laniakea app again and click on 'Hubble Wallet'. Within the Hubble Wallet, you will find relevant information related to the Laniakea subscription and the option to make withdrawals at BBVA ATMs without a card. Read all the information provided.

Step 8: After reading the relevant information, click on the button to subscribe to Laniakea and configure the Hubble Wallet to make cardless withdrawals at BBVA ATMs.

Once you have completed these steps, you will have successfully subscribed your Laniakea account and configured your Hubble Wallet to make withdrawals at BBVA ATMs without a card, which will allow you to enjoy all the application's functionalities related to this service in a convenient way. .


To ensure a smooth experience when making cardless withdrawals at BBVA ATMs using your Hubble Wallet in Laniakea, keep the following aspects in mind:


Make sure you use the same user account for both registration and subscription on Laniakea.

Carefully follow the registration steps provided in the application to successfully complete the process and enable the cardless BBVA ATM withdrawal functionality through your Hubble Wallet.

Access on Other Devices:

If you want to access your Laniakea account from another device to make withdrawals at BBVA ATMs without a card, log in with the same user account that you used for the original registration and subscription.

Make sure to keep your user account synchronized to ensure a continuous and uninterrupted experience when making cardless BBVA ATM withdrawals on all your devices.

Subscription Maintenance:

Make sure you keep your subscription active so you can make withdrawals at BBVA ATMs without a card continuously.

If your subscription expires for any reason, you must renew it to continue enjoying all the features, including the possibility of making withdrawals at BBVA ATMs without a card through your Hubble Wallet.

By following these steps and considering these aspects, you will be able to take full advantage of the functionality of making withdrawals at BBVA ATMs without a card safely and efficiently through your Hubble Wallet in Laniakea.


Advantages of using your Hubble Wallet in Laniakea to make withdrawals at BBVA ATMs:

Speed ​​and Availability: Withdrawals at BBVA ATMs are processed quickly, allowing you to access your money in a timely and efficient manner.

Convenience: This method gives you the convenience of withdrawing cash directly from your Hubble Wallet at a wide variety of BBVA ATMs, making it simpler to manage your finances.

No Card Needed: You don't need a physical card to make withdrawals at BBVA ATMs, which is especially useful if you don't have a card or prefer to avoid carrying physical cards with you.

Transaction Record: Withdrawals at BBVA ATMs generate detailed records in your Hubble Wallet, making it easy to track and manage your withdrawals and financial transactions.

Disadvantages of using your Hubble Wallet in Laniakea to make withdrawals at BBVA ATMs:

Possible Charges and Commissions: Some BBVA ATMs may apply charges or commissions for making withdrawals through this platform, which could result in additional costs.

Availability Limitations: Not all BBVA ATMs accept cardless withdrawals, which could limit their usefulness in some locations.

Verification Requirements: In some cases, there may be additional verification requirements to make withdrawals at BBVA ATMs without a card, which could add a layer of complexity to the process.

Despite these disadvantages, using your Hubble Wallet in Laniakea to make withdrawals at BBVA ATMs offers a convenient and efficient option to access your cash effectively.

Subscription form

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Paseo San Carlos 3067, 45019, Zapopan, Jalisco, México

Se informa a los Clientes que Laniakea Technologies, S.A. DE C.V. INSTITUCIÓN DE COMERCIO ELECTRÓNICO (“LANIAKEA TECHNOLOGIES”), se encuentra autorizada, regulada y supervisada por las autoridades financieras; asimismo se informa que el Gobierno Federal y las Entidades de la Administración Pública Paraestatal no podrán responsabilizarse o garantizar los recursos de los Usuarios que sean utilizados en las operaciones que celebren los Usuarios con LANIAKEA TECHNOLOGIES o frente a otros, ni asumir alguna responsabilidad por las obligaciones contraídas por LANIAKEA TECHNOLOGIES o por algún Usuario frente a otro, en virtud de las operaciones que celebren.
LANIAKEA TECHNOLOGIES S.A. de C.V. Institución de Comercio Electrónico - Todos los derechos reservados © 2024
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