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Privacy Policy

Writer's picture: Erick RosadoErick Rosado

Data Privacy Policy

This policy describes the information Laniakea processes in order to provide Laniakea technologies, products, services and tools.

What type of information does the Laniakea system collect?


The software processes your information in order to provide you with Laniakea tools. 

The type of information we collect depends on how you use our Products. 

Things you and other people do and provide

Information and content processed within the software. Content, communications and other data that you provide when using the Products is collected. 

For example, when you register for an account, create or share content, and send messages to or communicate with other people. 

This information may be data included in or related to the content you provide (such as metadata), such as where a photo was taken or the date a file was created. 

It may also include content you view through features made available to you, and systems that automatically process content and communications you and others provide to analyze the context and content included in connection with the purposes described below: 

Special Category Data: You may choose to provide information in the fields of your Laniakea profile such as important events, opinions, interests or aspects of your life. 

Your Usage: The Software collects information about how you use our Products, such as the types of content you view or interact with, the features you use, the actions you take, the people or accounts you interact with, and the time, frequency, and duration of your activities. 

For example, we record when you are using and last used Laniakea Products, and what posts, videos and other content you view. 

Information about transactions made on the Products: If you use the Products to make purchases or other monetary transactions within Laniakea, data about such purchases or transactions is collected. 

This data includes payment information, such as the product or service being purchased. 

The activity of other users and the information they provide about you. It also receives and analyzes the content, communications and information provided by others when using the Products. 

This data may include information about you, such as when other people share or comment on a photo of you, send you a message, or upload, sync, or import your contact information.

The data that Laniakea software obtains from these devices includes:


Device Configuration Data: Information you allow Laniakea software to share by enabling the appropriate settings on your device, such as access to GPS location, camera, and photos.

Network and connections: Information such as the name of your mobile carrier or internet provider, language, time zone, mobile phone number, IP address, connection speed, and in some cases information about other devices that are nearby or on your network, for example, streaming a video from your phone to your TV.

Information held by partners

App developers and publishers may send us information through the Laniakea business tools they employ, including our social plugins (such as the “Like” and “Gift” buttons), our Laniakea and App Developer SDKs and APIs. 

These partners share information through these tools that complement the Products offered by Laniakea, such as partners who provide the payment methods used to transfer funds to Laniakea.

Partners receive your information when you visit or use their services, or through third-party partners they work with. 

In order to provide us with any information, we require that all partners have the legal rights to collect, use and share your data.

Laniakea's use of information received from Google APIs will adhere to the Google API Services User Data Policy , including the limited use requirements. Laniakea does not transfer information received from Google APIs to any other application.

How does Laniakea Software use this information? 

Laniakea Software uses the information it has (based on choices you make) as described below to provide, personalize, and improve the Laniakea Products. 

As well as to personalize features and content and provide suggestions (such as groups or events you might be interested in or topics you might want to follow). To create personalized Products that are right for you, we use your connections, preferences, interests, and activities based on data that Laniakea software collects and that you and others provide to us (including special categories of data you choose to provide to us), as well as how you use and interact with the Products and the people, places, or things you connect with and instantiate. 

Location-related information: Laniakea software uses information about your location, where you live and the places you like to visit, as well as the businesses and people near you, to provide, personalize, and improve our Products. This type of information may be based on data such as the precise location of your device (if you have allowed us to collect this information).

Product Research and Development: Laniakea Software uses information it has to develop, test, and improve Laniakea Products (including through surveys and research), as well as to test and troubleshoot new features and products.

Facial Recognition: If enabled, facial recognition technology allows you to be recognized in photos, videos, and camera experiences. Facial recognition patterns within Laniakea's software provide increased security for transactions within the platform as a means of user authentication and verification.

Provide measurements, analysis, statistics and other services for users, so that they can see information and characteristics of users with whom they interact, such as age, geographic areas, and other statistical components provided so that they can see characteristics of their audience.

Promote safety, integrity, and security: Laniakea software uses information it has to verify accounts and activity, combat harmful behavior, detect and prevent spam and other negative experiences, maintain the integrity of the Products, and promote safety, both on and off the Laniakea Products. 

Communicating with you: Laniakea software uses the information you provide to send you marketing messages, to inform you about Laniakea Products, and to inform you about policies and terms. It is also used to respond to you when you contact Laniakea.

Conduct research and innovation in areas of social welfare: The Laniakea team uses the information we have to conduct and support research and innovations. Subsequently, updates in the development of software related to general social welfare, advances in the field of technology, and public interest, health and welfare. 

Contact lists of mobile devices used by users, to provide different services, such as sending money between wallets.

Register in Laniakea's systems. Validate, update and correct your information.

To facilitate direct contact with the seller or buyer for the purposes of the transaction you wish to carry out.

Prepare and maintain a record of the operations you carry out, as well as inform you about them and follow up accordingly.

Provide you with integrated e-commerce within the Software. 

Manage Laniakea services and products, including payment processing services.

To offer services and features that best fit your needs, and to personalize services to make your experiences at Laniakea easy.

Contribute to the security of relationships, communications and transactions between platform users.

Develop a user reputation system for the benefit of consumers.

Develop internal and statistical studies on your interests and behaviors, to rectify better services and products.

Create profiles by analyzing various variables, such as behavior or interactions within the platform, analysis and prediction of economic capacity, preferences, interests, transaction history, behavior and location, among others, to improve commercial and promotional initiatives, display promotions, news about Laniakea modules, improve our offer of content and articles, personalize said content, presentation and services.

Seek loyalty through a benefits program.

Grow the platform in a sustainable and secure manner through tools and actions to prevent fraud and related crimes.

Train the automated fraud detection and prevention algorithm model.

Collaborate with intellectual property owners in the exercise of their rights.

Collaborate in the protection of intellectual or industrial property rights, own or third parties, investigations of trademark and patent infringement, as well as counterfeiting.

Collaborate with investigative entities in resolving disputes.

Collaborate with private entities that represent collective interests through collaboration agreements to facilitate the resolution of disputes.

Protecting your privacy is very important to Laniakea. For this reason, we do not sell or market information that identifies our users.

When a seller user receives personal information from their buyers, they become responsible for the processing of such data and acquire the obligations that this implies. 

Therefore, you may not use the data for a purpose other than or incompatible with the transaction that originated the collection. For this reason, you may only use the personal information of other users obtained on the site for:

Purposes related to transactions on the Laniakea platform

Use services offered on Laniakea (for example: top-ups, withdrawals, gifts, payments for publications and claims about fraud)

Any other purpose to which the corresponding user expressly consents once he or she has been previously informed of the legally required information or local regulations enable it. 

Laniakea does not accept any conduct considered "spamming". The indiscriminate sending of messages of any kind between Laniakea users is absolutely prohibited. 

Laniakea does not control, store or have access to messages and content sent by users through means other than the Websites, and therefore assumes no liability for any damage that may arise from their use. Negotiations carried out by users through such means are the sole responsibility of said users. 

Laniakea is not responsible for the use that any user or other person may make of the information published on the Platform. 

Users agree that Laniakea will not be liable for any loss or damage that may arise as a result of dealings between users. Accordingly, you release Laniakea from any and all liability in the event that you have a dispute with one or more users.

Laniakea's goal is to democratize, through technocracy, digital interaction, without advertising manipulation, monetization, and payments to artists and content creators.

To achieve this, an ecosystem of software services integrated into a platform has been generated through its ecosystem modules:

The HUBBLE WALLET (it is the intermediary in the transaction, if the user is going to use any of these modules in a monetary transaction, it is your virtual wallet).  

LK Filme Estudios: Long video content, such as tutorials, vlogs, reality shows, series, movies, etc.

EPOCH (user-posted educational videos).

ECLIPSE (user-posted events).

LAND (services published by users).

EARTH (accommodation that you publish so that they can reserve accommodation for you).

On Laniakea you can add friends, get followers on a public account, post content to your friends, followers, and other people with a reach of only your social circle, without the need for a KYC verification. You are not required to provide us with personal information, but in order to transact monetarily with Laniakea Products, create more complex posts, publish and advertise in the ecosystem modules, you have to provide personal information and KYC verification. In order to have an environment with filters to reduce spam and other behaviors that affect the integrity of Laniakea. In turn, a 

Information about your location (geolocation), which can be used to offer you discounts, product pickup, locate stores with QR code enabled for payment, among others.

Identify and contact you.

Register in our systems.

Verify your identity in compliance with legal requirements.

Validate, update and correct your information.

Provide you with the products, services and/or benefits that you request or contract with us.

To facilitate direct contact with the seller or buyer for the purposes of the transaction you wish to carry out.

Prepare and maintain a record of the operations you carry out, as well as inform you about them and follow up accordingly.

Making our e-commerce platform available to you

Manage Laniakea services and products, including payment processing services.

Offer you services and features that best fit your needs, and personalize our services to make your experiences at Laniakea easy

Contribute to the security of relationships, communications and transactions between users of our platform.

Develop a user reputation system for the benefit of consumers.

Conduct internal and statistical studies on your interests and behaviors to offer you better services and products.

Create profiles by analyzing various variables, such as behavior or interactions within the platform, analysis and prediction of economic capacity, preferences, interests, transaction history, behavior and location, among others, to improve our commercial and promotional initiatives, display promotions, banners of interest, news about Laniakea modules, improve our offer of content and articles, personalize said content, presentation and services.

Provide you with information through different channels (by email, short text messages (SMS), push messages, phone call or any other means) about improvements or new functions or services of the platform.

Seek loyalty through a benefits program.

Compliance with Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing regulations (KYC actions), profile verification.

Compliance with general reporting regimes, as applicable in each country.

Detect and prevent fraud, abuse and crime, to protect the security of our users and the sustainability of the platforms.

Making platforms grow in a sustainable and secure way through tools and actions to prevent fraud and related crimes.

Train the automated fraud detection and prevention algorithm model.

Collaborate with intellectual property owners in the exercise of their rights.

Collaborate in the protection of intellectual or industrial property rights, own or third parties, investigations of trademark and patent infringement, as well as counterfeiting.

Collaborate with entities involved in dispute resolution.

Collaborate with private entities that represent collective interests through collaboration agreements to facilitate the resolution of disputes.

Links to other websites

Through the Platforms, Laniakea may include links to third party websites, which does not indicate that they are owned or operated by Laniakea. Please note that the processing of Personal Information by the third parties responsible for the aforementioned websites is not covered by this Privacy Statement. 

You also acknowledge and agree that Laniakea has no control over such websites and is not and will not be responsible for the content or services provided by such websites, or for the manner in which they process your Personal Information, and that you access such websites at your own risk.

How does Laniakea Software share this information? 

Your information is shared with others in the following ways: 

In Laniakea Products

People and accounts you communicate and share information with.

When you communicate and share information using the Products, you choose the audience that can see what you share. For example, when you post something on Laniakea, you select the audience for your post, which can be a group, all of your friends, anyone, or a custom list of people. 

Members of your network can also see the actions you take on the Products, such as your interaction with sponsored content. 

It also allows other accounts to see who has viewed their Laniakea stories. 

Public information can be viewed by anyone. This data includes your Laniakea username, information you share publicly, information in your public profile on Laniakea, or any public area, such as LK Filme Estudios. 

You, other users of Laniakea, and Laniakea may grant access to or send public information to anyone both within and outside of the Products, as well as in other Laniakea companies Products, in search results, or through tools and APIs.

Content that others share or reshare about you

Laniakea encourages you to carefully select who you share content with, as people who view your activity on the Products may choose to share it with others. 

Also, when you comment on someone's post or react to their content, anyone who can see that content will also see your comment or reaction. Also keep in mind that this person can change the audience later.

People may also use the Products to create and share content about you with their chosen audience. For example, they may share a photo of you in a story, mention or tag you in a particular location in a post, or share information about you in their posts or messages. 

If you are uncomfortable with content that others have posted about you on the Products, you can learn how to report it. 

Information about your “Active” status or your presence on the Products

There are signals that tell people in your networks whether you are active on the Products, including whether you are currently active on Laniakea, or when you last used the Products. 

Third-party applications, websites, and integrations on or using the Products

Measurement partners.

Laniakea software shares information about you with users who process it together to provide analytics and measurement reports to partners. 

Partners who offer goods and services on the Products.

If you purchase an item that someone is selling on the Products, the content creator or seller may receive your public information and other data that you share with them, as well as information necessary to complete the transaction, including contact and shipping details. 

Service providers.

Laniakea software provides information and content to service providers that helps keep business running. 

These providers are engaged in providing technical infrastructure services, analyzing the use of the Products, providing customer support services, facilitating payments, or conducting surveys. 

Researchers and academics.

Laniakea's software also provides information and content to research and academic partners to conduct research that will deepen the knowledge and innovation needed to contribute to the business or purpose, as well as to promote discovery and innovation on topics related to general social welfare, technological advances, and public interest, health and well-being.


How can I manage or delete information about myself? 

Laniakea's software offers you the possibility to access, rectify and delete your data, as well as obtain its portability.

Stores data until it is no longer needed to provide you with Laniakea services and Products.

The need for data is determined on a case-by-case basis and is based on factors such as the nature of the data, the purpose for collection, processing, and applicable operational or legal retention requirements. 

For example, if you perform a search on Laniakea, you can access that query but the record of that search is deleted after six months. 

However, information about you that other people have shared will not be deleted, as it is not part of your account.

How does Laniakea respond to legal requests or prevent harm? 

Laniakea software accesses, preserves, and shares your information with regulatory agencies, law enforcement agencies, or other parties in the following circumstances: 

If you believe in good faith that it is necessary to detect, prevent, and address fraud, unauthorized use of the Products, violations of applicable terms or policies, or other harmful or illegal activities; or to protect yourself (including your rights, property, or Products). 

To protect yourself or others; as part of regulatory investigations or inquiries; and to prevent death or imminent physical harm. For example, where appropriate, we provide and receive information from third-party partners about the reliability of your account to prevent fraud, abuse, and other harmful activities on or off the Products.

Laniakea may access and preserve information it receives about you (including financial transaction information relating to purchases made with Laniakea) for an extended period of time in the event that it is the subject of a legal subpoena, obligation, governmental investigation, or investigations regarding potential violations of policies or terms, or otherwise to prevent harm. 

We may also retain information about accounts that have been disabled for violating our Terms for at least one year to help prevent further abusive behavior or violations of our Terms. 

How does Laniakea Software operate and transfer data as part of the global services? 

Use standard contractual clauses, follow the European Commission's adequacy decisions on certain countries, as applicable, and obtain your consent to transfer such data to other countries.

How does Laniakea Software notify you of changes to this policy? 

We will provide you with a notice before we make changes to this policy so that you can review the changes and decide whether you want to continue using the Products. 

Last revised: May 6, 2024



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Se informa a los Clientes que Laniakea Technologies, S.A. DE C.V. INSTITUCIÓN DE COMERCIO ELECTRÓNICO (“LANIAKEA TECHNOLOGIES”), se encuentra autorizada, regulada y supervisada por las autoridades financieras; asimismo se informa que el Gobierno Federal y las Entidades de la Administración Pública Paraestatal no podrán responsabilizarse o garantizar los recursos de los Usuarios que sean utilizados en las operaciones que celebren los Usuarios con LANIAKEA TECHNOLOGIES o frente a otros, ni asumir alguna responsabilidad por las obligaciones contraídas por LANIAKEA TECHNOLOGIES o por algún Usuario frente a otro, en virtud de las operaciones que celebren.
LANIAKEA TECHNOLOGIES S.A. de C.V. Institución de Comercio Electrónico - Todos los derechos reservados © 2024
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